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Welcome to Peach!

Peach empowers organizations to streamline operations, enhance customer experience, and simplify management. Our team of talented young professionals and US-returned directors are passionate to help make Indian organizations more efficient and effective, and thus contribute to our nation's success story.

The flagship product of Peach is Genie ERP which offers a unique blend of feature versatility and depth with easy and mobile accessibility. With modules including Sales, CRM, Inventory, Purchase, Production, HRM, Accounting, Support Ticketing, Maintenance, and more, Genie ERP is the ideal fit for all growth-oriented manufacturers and traders.

Our Creations

e-Governance Services

Peach has acquired strong reputation in e-Governance, with international award-winning G2C service delivery at "Jan Seva Kendra" civic centers. Peach also offers e-Governance facilitation services and communication centers to help government departments serve their stakeholders efficiently and address any issues promptly.

Peach has had the opportunity to serve millions of citizens, and help establish nationwide e-Governance models for predictable, transparent, and citizen-centric G2C service delivery.

Team Peach

We do what we love and we love what we do!

We work in a relaxed environment in the midst of nature, which inspires our creativity and motivation to effect a positive difference in the world around us.

Our board is a blend of experience of Haren Shah and Mayoor Amin, and energy driven by Ekta Shah and Parth Shah and Asit Patel, all of whom have global exposure with passion to enhance the world through technology.

Sounds like your dream team? Leave us a message - we're always looking to superstars to our team!

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© 2020 Peach Technovations Pvt. Ltd.